
Solutions To Anomaly - Bring The Light !

  1) General Awareness of The Anomaly Quantum primary anomaly is a random quantum field which is preventing Ascended beings from manifesting into the physical realm and thus preventing them directly assisting humanity.   2) Galactic Central Sun  : -Birth Place of Souls. -Source of free will(white/electric blue) for all sentient beings in the galaxy.  - Where The Central Race comes from : Big awakening is coming, and scientists are finally beginning to search for life in the center of the Galaxy:   -Every solar system is like a cell to the galactic being we are all inside,  just like the earth & sun are a being so is each galaxy & everything is a portal to that being including us & this is the secret to how we dissolve the matrix & Ascend : " Our active communication with the Pleroma, w...

Quantum Fluctuations

  " Quantum fluctuation is the temporary appearance of energetic particles out of nothing , as allowed by the Uncertainty Principle. It is synonymous with vacuum fluctuation .The Uncertainty Principle states that for a pair of conjugate variables such as position/momentum and energy/time, it is impossible to have a precisely determined value of each member of the pair at the same time. For example, a particle pair can pop out of the vacuum during a very short time interval. The uncertainty principle is illustrated with a schematic representation on the left. An extension is applicable to the "uncertainty in time" and "uncertainty in energy" (including the rest mass energy mc 2 ). When the mass is very large (such as a macroscopic object), the uncertainties and thus the quantum effect become very small , classical physics is applicable once more." - A simple explanation of quantum fluctuati...